Friday, September 21, 2012

The Plan

Ultimately, 'The Plan" is to get to heaven. The way the Lord above has us get there though causes some anxst, confusion, surprise and shock. Especially when you or the loved one is young or has already experienced enough hardship in your or their life. It’s also so easy to ask ourselves why, to these situations that God shows us his new plan. I’m currently in that state but not for the effect this new hurdle will have on my life.  I’m confused, hurt, angry and so upset for my sister and her fiance’s family as they’ve received bouts of new information that may ultimately affect their future together.  I can’t understand this new plan at all as they have already lost an older brother, due to cancer, and a father, thanks to a drunk driver. What else does this family need to do to feel God’s presence? I use the reasoning that God wants us to be challenged and learn to seek him out during times of trouble whenever something traumatically bad happens. The only thing is again, they’ve been through it all and never lost touch with him! Not only that, but what terrible timing! My sister and Casey are to be married in 3 months with all the showers and parties taking start this weekend! Maybe the wedding will help lift the focus off the unfortunate new finding but who knows. Time will only tell. :( Prayers for my future brother in law's mother. We love you!

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